This is my new favourite sweater.
Oranger and Oranger
Yarn: Brie, from Artfibers, bought when I was in last back at home
Needles: I don't remember, probaby 4.0mm circulars
Pattern: my own
I realized I was sabotaging myself by thinking I wasn't doing "enough" designing and getting more stuff out there. Every time I wanted to knit something, I would feel guilty because I wasn't finishing off designs, or swatching to submit new ones, or doing a thousand other "more useful" knitting work, so I just wasn't doing any at all. I gave myself a mental slap and thought any production, any knitting, was better than nothing at all. So I threw off all guilt and knit something just for myself. No plans for a pattern, no thoughts of "but how would I do this for 9 sizes", no compromises to make it easier for others to knit or easier to explain in a pattern. Just for me.
Two delicious cable patterns are the only ornamentation for this sweater. I used a wide boatneck to mimic the neckline of a favourite store-bought sweater.
The yarn is beautiful- lovely to work with and gorgeously soft. The only worry I have is that since it's a very loosely spun 2-ply, I will have to watch the pilling carefully. Hmm, must dig out that sweater shaver.
One thing I have very proud of with this sweater is that I tried doing bottom-up sleeves in one piece for this.

I really love this- it's what I've been wanting to wear for ages.
I love that sweater! :-D
What a beautiful sweater!
I love it!
Perfect fit. Love your commitment to something so well thought out -- and which you love to wear!
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