Just faded away for a while- this summer has been super busy. But there has been knitting and there is knitting news. The first of which is:
(Picture intentionally crappy to encourage you to buy a copy of the magazine!)The
Oxford Blustockings are in print! Remember I told you
I got a lift to Wonderwool Wales from Rosee, deputy editor at
The Knitter? Well, she asked if I was in a knitting group and if we'd be interested in being featured on their readery's Gallery pages. As if I'd say no! So a bunch of us sent in some projects and now look!
Liz and
Jenny each brought a copy of this issue in to the Royal Oak yesterday, and we showed everyone! Most notably the pub staff and a fellow knitter visiting from Austin, TX who just happened to be in the Royal Oak.
More knitting news to come. Watch this space.