Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Speaking of templates...

Two weird inter-related things. I was roaming the city this weekend with my (male) visitor. We saw Oscar Wilde's Lady Windermere's Fan, in which a guy says that men and women can't ever really be just friends (hmmmm...sound familiar?). Meanwhile, there was wild speculation on the part of my housemates about whether I and my visitor were lovahs. (I was all, No way! He has a girlfriend! And housemate was all, And that's stopped people when?) (I live with heathens.) You see? It's impossible to get away from this.

Hey, if you're bi, does it mean that you can't ever really be just friends with anyone? How terrible.

1 comment:

王美安 said...

What is the difference between a lover and a friend though? My best lovers are my best friends and my best friends well, it would be nice if they were lovers. It would add a beautiful element to the friendship. But it does bring up an interesting thought to reflect on. What is the difference between a lover and a friend other than the obvious?