Saturday, October 24, 2009

It's about time!

Champagne? Excitement? What's that all about?

Well, after months of mooching off The Limey, knitting and reading trashy romance novels, I have finally re-entered the world of working for a living.

Remember when I said it was good that we aimed for a lifestyle supportable on one salary, 'cause that meant I had time to look for my next job? Well, thank the gods, because it certainly took time.

But, it's all worked out. I'm back in lab, and the project's interesting. It's a much more commercially oriented company than my last, and it's the kind of position where, if I do my job well, I can actually go into a store, pick up and buy the products of my work.

But here's the best part. The company is based just south of Oxford. Like my last job, they're in a vast commercial and industrial estate in the middle of nowhere, roughly the same distance from the nearest train station as the last place. But, unlike my last job, they have a shuttle bus going between the estate and the train station! Amazing! Astounding! I can hardly believe it. I swear it's the best part of this whole thing. We live a five minute walk from Oxford station, and the train ride's only 15 minutes. I started work last week, and I can take the 8:21 train from Oxford, and be at my desk less than half an hour later. After that nightmare Southampton commute, this is almost unbelievable for me.

This is all great, and both The Limey and I are really happy. But, you know, we got used to having one of us at home during the day. I was at home to accept packages, I could get all manner of errands done, I was around during business hours, so could get to the bank, the rental agents, etc., as needed. Best of all, I could buy fresh food every couple of days, depending on what we felt like eating and what was available and looked good. I hate having to go back to doing one big shop at the weekends, and I suspect we'll be doing more supermarket shopping now, too, because there just won't be time to go 'round all the local shops and suppliers.

On the plus side, now there's extra money for getting a veg box delivery and hiring a cleaner!


cathairinmyknitting said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! I know how it feels to land a job after a long time looking, and well done!

Lien said...

Hey congratulations. We currently do a weekly supermarket shop and it's painful as it is. And we never end up getting everything we want. Great news about the commute. I'm quite used to commuting but we're trying to avoid it if we can. We're trying to find a house that is close to public transport!!

mooncalf said...

Wonderful! Congratuations! It sounds like a great job and a very easy commute.

Caitriona said...

Congratulations! That's fantastic news and I'm so glad you don't have to deal with an awful commute anymore.

Unknown said...

Very good news! Will the girls now at group how things are going...stay in touch

Liz said...

Congrats! That's really great news and I'm very jealous about the cleaner.

Averil said...

That's great news -and so close to home!

Unknown said...

Well, finally. Poor Mick, toiling away in the coal mine while you lounged about eating bon-bons and giving tours of the UK to annoying Americans! Seriously though, CONGRATS! (exclamation point and all caps for emphasis) Buying a house, eh? Make sure there is a room for us. =]

the frog princess said...

Hooray! How very excellent. :)

Chase & Snow Oy said...

Oh Lien I'm so happy for you! Congratulations! That's really great, and the commute sounds like a piece of cake. Well done!

jacqueline said...