I loved Brighton (the San Francisco of England!). The beach, though, not quite the same.
That look on my face? Due to two things: that water is cold! And the beach is stony. Not rocky, not sandy- stony. It had stones and shells just the right size and lumpy shape that it hurt to walk on it. People did their promenading on the paved bit parallel to the beach.
On Sunday, with the weather still gorgeous, we took a picnic to Kew Gardens. We chose a nice, shady spot in the quiet walled garden bit.
This was also the day I discovered I've turned into my mother:
Have I ever suggested to you that you should come to Australia for the beaches?? Sand, sand and more sand! And you can actually swim in the water without getting hypothermia!
I'm starting to do the umbrella thing to...
Oh how I miss those beaches! (I grew up down the coast a tiny bit from Brighton) - there is sand there, but only when the tide is out. It hides under the sea the rest of the time.
Around this time of year you start out walking slowly on the pebbles, and by the end of the summer you're a pro - you just need more practice!
The best time for swimming is late August / early September - the channel's had a chance to warm up by then and it's lovely.
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